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Get “Spring Ready” In And Outside Your Home!

Get “Spring Ready” In And Outside Your Home!

If you are anything like me, springtime makes me crave bright fresh spaces, especially after enduring months of dull winter days.  And with craving spring, color, and brightness comes getting my home clean and refreshed!

Spring is a great time to deep clean our homes and reduce the clutter, but it’s also about tackling those nagging tasks: cleaning window frames, defrosting the freezer, and tidying the garden shed to make way for spring bulbs. Take a look at what you can do to get your home ready for the season ahead…

Clean those forgotten corners

Spring cleaning is an opportunity to address those areas you overlook on a daily basis. From dusting cracks and corners for cobwebs to wiping down blinds, tackling those forgotten areas will help you stride on into spring with a clean home – and an even clearer mind.

Not sure where to start? Rather than overwhelming yourself, write a list of what you want to tackle first!

Declutter your wardrobe

A simplified and decluttered closet is a real mood booster, so now’s the ideal time to reorganize your clothes for spring.  Decide what stuff you still want and what can go.  Hanging on to clothes you no longer need or wear just creates more mess.   You can sell unwanted items online, donate them to those in need, or upcycle older pieces to make them on-trend.

The goal is that the next time you open your closet, you should feel at ease knowing that everything in there has a purpose and use to you.

Organize under your sinks

Transform that awkwardly-shaped space under your sink from a dumping ground into a well-organized haven. First, start by taking everything out and group similar items together. Then give it a good cleaning using soapy warm water. Once the inside space is clean, it’s time to sort through items you no longer need, disposing of anything that may have passed its expiration date.  Guaranteed,  you’ll be amazed by how many half-used bottles you’ll find that can be consolidated and save you from buying new ones.

Refresh your workspace

While many of us are embracing hybrid working, we’re coming up to almost three years of working from home, so there’s never been a better time to refresh your personal workspace for the spring.

Whether you’re in need of a new desk, chair or perhaps you’re on the hunt for stylish office storage solutions, upgrade your space to ensure it’s comfortable, fun, and functional.  And, don’t forget to add some color!

Defrost your freezer

Freezers can be real money-burners when they are frosted up with ice. An excessive build-up of ice means your appliance needs to work harder to keep your food cold. So, if you want your freezer to last longer, it is recommended that you defrost it twice a year.

Not sure where to begin? Here’s how to easily defrost your freezer:

  1. Firstly, turn off your freezer and unplug it from the wall.

  2. Remove all drawers and shelves. Place hot water (in bowls or glasses) inside your freezer, making sure you have plenty of towels and a suitable container for the water that will be created from thawing the ice.

  3. While the freezer is defrosting, quickly clean the appliance’s interior using a damp cloth.

  4. Before switching the appliance back on, make sure it is completely dry. Switch your appliance on and wait for the temperature to return before adding the food back in.

Redecorate! Swap winter darks for cheerful spring brights

Giving your room a fresh coat of paint instantly makes everything feel brighter and fresher. If decorating a whole room isn’t on the agenda, introducing color through rugs or pillows, is another small win.

Style your space with flowers

Magnolias! Tulips! Wisteria! Bringing the branches and buds inside your home is the perfect reminder of everything coming to life outside. If you’re anything like me, the spring season is all about adorning your home with sprawling arrangements that will make you smile – even if its just a handful of flowers your got at the grocery store!  Alternatively, buy a spring wreath or make your own to incorporate your favorite blooms.

Create ambience with spring scents

Mood-boosting spring scents will help to lift you out of winter hibernation. Some of my favorite classic spring scents are lemon, iris, jasmine and rose. Get your favorite fragrance in the form of a candle or diffuser.

Get your outdoor space ready for entertaining

Nature is starting to spring back to life. While it might still be too cold to dine alfresco, now is the ideal time to give your outdoor space some love so that you’re prepared for when the temperature starts to warm up.   Power-wash the patio, cut the glass, clean (or paint) your deck or any tired-looking furniture, and tidy up flower beds and borders.



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