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How To Prepare Your Home For Sale

How To Prepare Your Home For Sale

It’s easy to let minor things slip through our fingertips sometimes. In some cases, what is put on the backburner really needs to be prioritized and taken care of. Without a doubt, you want your home to appear as bright and vibrant as possible, literally and metaphorically, so why hasn’t that burnt out light bulb been changed? Many people have stumbled upon that torn carpet as well. Despite the fact that those repairs may be walked passed or disregarded altogether, it is important to make a mental note. The human eye is more powerful than you think. It is lured into those  details like a magnet. Homes that are upkept, in pristine condition are certainly more desirable, reeling in more attention. It’s just like when you meet someone for the first time. That first impression has a drastic impact and holds a significant amount of importance. If you display a poor self-image and mannerism, the chances of you being liked are less than someone who is well put together and pleasant to be around. The same concept certainly applies to your home. When preparing your home for sale, there are several courses of action that are recommended in order for your transaction to be closed as quickly and smoothly as possible. Below is a 3-step guide to steer you in the right direction. Of course there are plenty more tasks that could be completed, but these few should be at the top of your list: 



The exterior of your home is obviously viewed before anyone steps foot inside. It can turn an interested buyer on or off right from the get-go. For example, if there are overgrown or dead trees, shrubs or grass in plain sight, the attractiveness of your property viewed from the street is decreased. This is known as curb appeal. You want your home to look visually appealing and stand out to those walking or driving by. The American Society of Landscape Architects recommends investing 10% of your home’s value into landscaping. It is also estimated that you can increase your home’s value by 5% to 15% by spending the equivalent percentage on landscape maintenance. 


Apply A Fresh Coat Of Paint With The Proper Color

Providing a fresh coat of paint to the exterior and/or interior of your house is eye-candy. The paint condition can significantly alter a buyers’ impression of your home. If there is any chipping or peeling on the exterior or interior, it can leave a lingering bad taste in your buyers’ mouth. The exterior probably holds the most importance. Homeowners are aware that everyone who encounters their home will see the exterior, there’s no avoiding that, but the interior won’t always be seen. Regardless, a fresh coat of paint will draw in buyers right off the bat due to the indication that the sellers care for the overall appearance of their home. Typically, a cool and neutral color is the way to go. They give off a warm and intriguing appeal as, serving more satisfaction to the viewer. 


Declutter And Organize

There is no better time to get rid of unnecessary items than before selling your home. Completely discard furniture, toys, clothing that do not serve any kind of purpose. Do not just shove them inside of a closet or cabinet. Interested clients will look through everything and would therefore see the mess as they are viewing the house. If it appears that a tornado swept through the property, people are not going to be interested. A mess indirectly indicates that quality is not valued more than quantity. Disbelief would become the dominating force. It shows that the home was not properly cared for and maintained. Once unwanted items are out of sight, you can organize what is left. The ratio of furniture to room should be equivalent, so keep that in mind when rearranging your belongings. Do not block any entrances or doors, not just with furniture, shoes as well. Remove any mail or magazines from the kitchen counter. Laundry should be out of sight..and so on. You want buyers to focus on the beauty of what your home has to offer, not the mess. Remove anything that will be a distraction. Keep it simple and neat, that’s all there is to it. a



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